Libero Nigro

Libero Nigro
Professor of Computer Engineering

Engineering Department of Informatics Modelling Electronics and Systems Science (DIMES)
Cubo 41C, 4 Piano
Tel. (+39) 0984-494748
Fax. (+39) 0984-494713

Email: or
Web site:

Student Office Hours:
Wednesday 8:45 - 12:00 AM.

Courses and other teaching information:
Laboratorio di Ingegneria del Software

Research Interests

Development of software engineering tools for modelling, analysis, prototyping and implementation of distributed, time-dependent systems, both simulated and real-time. Current projects are centred on: multi-agent systems, real-time systems, distributed simulation, Petri nets tools, distributed measurement and cyber-physical systems, sensor/actuator networks. Research activities are carried out in the context of the Laboratorio di Ingegneria del Software.


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